Friday, October 2, 2009

Day 30: What is today?

It was a wild journey... I can hardly wait till next year!

Day 29

It is close now I am very excited. I hope I don't get lost biking 100 miles because I am the guy who got lost at University of Penn and missed my class at DREXEL, and then I was guided back by following the citys skyline. Do you think I could raise $300.00 off of one of those old carnivals Jason and I did on the deck, either that or maybe I could sell about 400 shark and dinosaur drawings at the den yard sale. Cause I really need those funds.

Day 28 "Lets play a game"

What differance do you see on my bicycle?
Original Photo September 16 2009

Photo from October 2 2009

Give up....well almost nothing has changed although both hand brakes are on now!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Day 27

I need to warn you all, It is day 27 I have 3 more days to train. Although I think I am ready for the race, .1) I need to raise $100 a day for three days, 2.) get my biking outfit so I dont look like Joey from blossom on a bike with my flannel and jeans. 3.) Get my bike functional 4.) everything...just about everything....oh and register for the race. Who knows...Its going to be awesome. I can't wait

Day 26

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Day 25

Today I worked the treadmill with Olivia and Dad at my gym. It started out at pleasant enough I was watching dancing with the stars, some form of CSI and many commercials for Num3ers without sound mind you because I don't bring my headphones. Anyway internets Moomama and I got into a little bit of a healthy comptition. She started running surpassing the distance I ran, so I started running...running so fast to catch up that my feet could'nt keep up. Well, sopicid...Sopisid...suffice it to say I won that race.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Day 24

  Today I got a serious workout with Jason, Joshua, and Dad by moving Jasons entire apartments contents down 3 floors and into his new place, it was about 90 degrees out and I was wearing jeans. It was weird because I was soaking wet by the end of it, the weird part being im in perfect shape so why all the sweat around my lovehandles? I later realized I gotta cool it on my nonstop training or this photo is my future, for some reason in the future I also have Guiles hairdo.